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MPS (Monolithic Power Systems)

MPS (Monolithic Power Systems) LOGO

Monolithic Power Systems, Inc. (MPS) specializes in high-performance, integrated power solutions. The company provides small, highly energy efficient solutions for systems found in industrial applications, telecom infrastructures, cloud computing, automotive, and consumer applications. MPS’ mission is to improve the quality of life with green, easy-to-use, compact products.

ምርቶች ምድብ

ኢንዳክተሮች, ጥቅልሎች, ቾኮች

የወረዳ ጥበቃ

ሞተርስ፣ ሶሌኖይዶች፣ የአሽከርካሪ ሰሌዳዎች/ሞጁሎች

ልዩ ሴሚኮንዳክተር ምርቶች

የተቀናጁ ወረዳዎች (አይሲዎች)

የኃይል አቅርቦቶች - ቦርድ ተራራ
