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TOKO / Murata

TOKO / Murata LOGO
Murata is a global leader in the design, manufacture and supply of advanced electronic materials, leading edge electronic components, and multi-functional, high-density modules. Murata innovations can be found in a wide range of applications from mobile phones to home appliances, and automotive applications to energy management systems and healthcare devices.

ምርቶች ምድብ


ኢንዳክተሮች, ጥቅልሎች, ቾኮች


ክሪስታሎች, ኦስሲሊተሮች, ሪሶነተሮች

ሞተርስ፣ ሶሌኖይዶች፣ የአሽከርካሪ ሰሌዳዎች/ሞጁሎች

ደጋፊዎች, የሙቀት አስተዳደር

የኬብል ስብሰባዎች

የኃይል አቅርቦቶች - ቦርድ ተራራ
